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Contact us ! 

Head office: 819-449-8531

Pick Up Location

1475 Thomas A. Dolan Pkwy

Dunrobin, Ontario

K0A 1T0

Four players enter but only one will be left standing. Players stand on wiggly inflatable platforms and hurl the big inflatable wrecking ball that hangs from the roof. Players will eventually lose their balance and fall off until just one is left up-right. The winner!

Wrecking Ball

  • Size: 25'L x 25'W x 18'H

    Weight: 450 lbs

    Operators: 1 required

    Number of Riders: 4

    Age: kids, teens and adults

    Weight of Riders: 200 lbs

    Power: 2 dedicated circuits or generator

    Includes: unit, blower, stakes

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