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Contact us ! 

Head office: 819-449-8531

Pick Up Location

1475 Thomas A. Dolan Pkwy

Dunrobin, Ontario

K0A 1T0

This gorgeous wedding chapel is perfect for your big day. Keep the kids, teens and adults entertained all day! It features a retractable mesh panel, tall belfry and beautiful brick design. There are D rings at the top of the entrance so you can strategically hang flowers, linens, banners, garland or bubble machine. At two stories tall, this oversized bouncy castle will add a charming, romantic feeling to your wedding venue. You may wish to include our professional, high output bubble machine and fill the bouncer with bubbles! Custom decorations are optional. 


We will deliver your inflatable between 9:00am and 11:00am on the morning of your party. We will pick up between 5:00pm and 7:00pm on the evening of your party (unless prior arrangements are made). Exact delivery and pick up time can not be guaranteed as it depends where our trucks are that day. 


Second day rental is just half price. 

Wedding Chapel

  • Size: 20'L x 19'W x 19.5'H

    Space Required: extra 3' on all sides

    Weight: 275 lbs

    Operators: 1 required

    Number of Riders: 8

    Age: kids, teens and adults

    Weight of Riders: 200 lbs each

    Set Up Crew : 2

    Power: 1 dedicated circuit or generator

    Includes: unit, blower, stakes, extension cord

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